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Partner Family - Romania
Nora is 6 years old and the only child diagnosed with ECHS1 Deficiency in Eastern Europe. Ferencz family is hoping that a custom gene therapy will be developed in time to save Nora’s life, after the painful loss of her sister, Anna, age 1.
ECHS1 deficiency - Community for finding a cure - Gene therapy (cure-echs1.com)
Jasmin és Stephan Proksch
Jasmin és Stephan Proksch
Kissinger család
Partner Family - Australia
When Lola was diagnosed in the January of 2017 with Surf1 deficiency, at 2.5years old, Lloyds' whole world changed. From that day they promised to fight to help find a treatment or cure for Lola and other children with Leigh syndrome. Lola is now 7 and although mito has taken some abilities from her, she never complains and is always smiling or laughing.
Nikolaev család
EMERSON család
Janukovics család
Partner Family - Czech Republic
"Our family has four members. Mom Veronika, dad Miroslav and twins Eliška and Amálie. Amálie has a mitochondrial encephalopathy-SURF1 protein deficiency. Amálka is a huge warrior and every day she proves it with her beautiful smile. We try to help her on her journey as much as we can. We will never lose hope that we will find a cure and a way to save her life."
The Morris family is from Seattle, Washington. Colson lived with mitochondrial disease until he was four years old, and received excellent care at Seattle Children's Hospital. Yat: https://courageousparentsnetwork.org/blog/author/liz-morris
"We fight to cure them, to help others, we fight so that science does not abandon us, that medicine accompanies us saving the lives of our own, we fight to continue living and enjoying. We also fight for others, because we have suffered along the way and we know what these diagnoses hurt our souls."
Archie has ECHS1d, a Leigh-like syndrome, he was diagnosed at 13 months when he had a sudden onset of symptoms, during a viral illness. He is now quadriplegic, non-verbal and PEJ fed. He is a mostly happy little man, who attends school, Physio, OT and speech therapy.
Harcos család
Partner Family - France
Gabriel is 10 years old and has Leigh Syndrome caused by MT-ND5 gene. Gabriel's family is dedicated to advancing reserach of his gene mutation for him and all other affected children.
Partner Family - USA
In 2016, Kendall started becoming unsteady in her balance and was diagnosed with Leigh Syndrome at 2.5 years old caused by a de novo mutation in her mitochondrial DNA at m. 3688 G>A. Kendall's mother Taylor Conner says, "It's a cruel, progressive disease, but Kendall is a very determined child which motivates us to find a cure.
Harcos család
Partner Family - Ecuador
""Emmanuel is the best thing that has happened to us in our lives. We love everything about him, to the point that we love every little development or challenge that he overcomes in his health; and one could even say that we love even his illness for the simple fact of being part of it."
Partner Family - Mexico
Leonardo's family says that the disease affects everything in the family - psychologically, economically and morally. They always live with FAITH but at the same time with fear because they don't know how many more years their child will live and if tomorrow he will not be there.
Partner Family - UK
Harriet was diagnosed with Leigh Syndrome MT-ND6 in March 2021 not long after her 2nd Birthday. She’s always laughing and cuddling her big sister who is currently helping her learn the alphabet. Although Harriet now uses a wheelchair she is trying to get the strength back in her legs and not giving up.
Partner Family - USA
On May 19, 2022.. a day we will never forget, Cooper at 15.5mo was diagnosed with Leigh Syndrome (MT-ATP6 8993T>G). With the devastating news that our sweet baby boy may be taken from us far too soon, we set out to learn and teach everyone every single thing about Leigh Syndrome and Mitochondrial Diseases!!
Partner Family - Colombia
Mateo started having seizures when he was 7 months old. He is currently 13 months old and was recently diagnosed with MT-ATP6 Leigh Syndrome.
We just started this fight, but as a family we will get ahead, he is our motivation.
Partner Family - India
Mourya was diagnosed with Leigh syndrome at 2.5 years old.
Partner Family - Brazil
This is Yume, she has 30 years old. She has Leigh disease and she was diagnosed when she was 5 years old. Today, in addition to needing assistance 24 hours a day, dystonia is being the worst symptom.
Partner Family - Canada
"June 2023, right before his 3rd birthday Kiyaan is diagnosed with SURF1 Leigh Syndrome. What was even more difficult was to know that there is no cure. We, like all other parents, are no different in feeling all the emotions. We want to be part of this journey to help support these
kids in however small a way we can. "
Miner Gilsdorf Family
Partner Family - USA
“Our beloved Lucas was diagnosed with SURF1 Leigh Syndrome and Eosinophilic Esophagitis when he was a year old, after experiencing symptoms since he was 3 weeks old. His name means “bringer of light,” and during his two and ½ years, he lived up to this name in every way. We miss him constantly. We work with Cure Mito because we don’t want other children and families to experience the suffering and loss that is inevitable with a Leigh Syndrome diagnosis today.”
McCormack Family
Partner Family - USA
After a long diagnostic odyssey, our beloved Milo was diagnosed with Spastic Ataxia Type 5, an AFG3L2-related Leigh-like syndrome in 2022 when he was 2.5 years old. We refuse to sit back and watch our child decline without trying to change the bleak narrative of mitochondrial diseases. Now we are on a mission to raise awareness and fund targeted research and drug development through our family foundation. Being part of the Cure Mito community gives us much needed support and hope to continue on this journey.
Suzor Family
Partner Family - USA
Lila is a cheerful and loving 10-year-old ECHS1 kiddo who enjoys life with an infectious smile! Even though her diagnosis has been a tough journey, she changes the worldview of nearly everyone she meets. To know Lila is to love her.
Urbina Family
Partner Family - USA
“Mia is a 7 years old. She is very courageous and a caring sister. She loves all animals and wants to be a veterinarian when she grows up. She was diagnosed with SURF1 Leigh Syndrome at age 4 after a genetic testing. Our biggest wish as a family is to bring awareness to Mitochondrial diseases and help pave the way to treatment and a cure.”
Matys Family
Partner Family - Czech Republic
“Jonas has ECHS1d, a Leigh-like syndrome, he was diagnosed at 6 years however first signs showed much earlier. He is fighting his disease very bravely, never gives up and has an extremely positive attitude to anything he is doing despite all the limitations the disease brings with it. He has changed our life priorities-the biggest one is smile on Jonas's face. We will do anything to help him and will never lose hope for finding a cure.”
Zonana Family
Partner Family - Mexico
“Raquel is 6 years old, she started regressing at 10 months and when she was 1 year 3 months old, after a major mito crash she was diagnosed with ECHS1 Deficiency. We’ve been on a mission since she was diagnosed so we can raise awareness and funds and hopefully find a cure for ECHS1 soon. She is a beautiful happy girl and we will always fight for her.”
Simion Family
Partner Family - Romania
“ Ana lights up any room she enters and brings joy to anyone who gets to know her. She is smart and witty and she has a stubborn will to be as much as possible a healthy child. She has been diagnosed with Leigh Syndrome Surf 1 when she was 21 months and since that moment we pray every day and we are grateful for every little progress she makes. We are positive that soon we will be able to treat our children and give them the childhood they deserve.”
Segíts gyermekeinknek ma
Alapítványunk azon törekvése, hogy gyógymódot találjon a Leigh-szindrómára és a mitokondriális betegségre, olyan orvosok és kutatók erőfeszítéseinek finanszírozásával valósul meg, akik osztoznak szenvedélyünkben és könyörtelen törekvésünkben, hogy leküzdjék ezt a pusztító betegséget. Adományainak 100%-a levonható az adóból, és közvetlenül a kutatás támogatására fordítható. A Cure Mito Alapítvány az 501(c)(3) nonprofit szervezet. Köszönjük támogatásukat!